Monday, November 22, 2010


Anyone who's barn has recently closed, you should think about coming to Camp Ketcha! They are building up the barn and it looks great! They also are getting new horses! It's trail-riding season and if you like trailrides, then you should definitely come!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Rules of G.E.R.L.

1. You can't stop riding at one of the recognized barns for more than 6 months.
2. You should not like cruel riding devices like spurs and crops unless they are used properly.
3. You must be totally in love with horses.
4. You must have had atleast one horse that was the only horse you rode and is/was your favorite of all time.
5. If one person has a good reason for hating some one, we all have a reason.


This is my first post about a club called G.E.R.L. It means girls equine riding league. You can be from anywhere in the world, as long as you ride horses, and all G.E.R.L. members approve you. You will have to meet each G.E.R.L. member in person and you must describe your riding career.